21st Century Fungates School

As a “21st Century Fungates School“,
Sri Johan carries out S.T.E.A.M. learning in our classrooms.

What is S.T.E.A.M.?

Much had been proclaimed about our need for more S.T.E.M. initiatives – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It has been emphasised in our national discourse, as well promoted in our education system. It was thought, that S.T.E.M. learning would drive economic advancement.

However, S.T.E.M. learning is not complete. 

S.T.E.A.M. is a positive education movement that puts the much needed “A” for Arts, back into education. 21st Century Learners need to be educated in the skills necessary to meet the needs of our current socio-economic landscape. If we relied solely on S.T.E.M., we would essentially be preparing our young ones for jobs that will not even exist in the next few years. The world does not just need more scientists, engineers, doctors and lawyers. We need critical thinkers, innovators, problem solvers and solution strategists at every industry, and in every part of the world. 

The “A” in Arts is how we tie it all together. This much-needed integrative learning approach hones skills in – Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking (Choice and Care). – all arts-based skills.

Sri Johan is proud to be a school that guides student inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking.

We better prepare our young 21st Century Learners by shifting the focus from teacher-directed learning, to child-directed learning. This means our teachers do not just stand in front of a classroom to deliver a lesson. Our teachers facilitate, lead, mentor, coach, inspire and guide learning in the classroom.

Our Project-Based Learning activities gets kids asking, What I know?, What I don’t know? and What I would like to know? Engaging our kids at every level, working together to solve problems, to drive innovation and to contribute their skills no matter how great or small.

Our classroom approach blends the best of the famed Montessori system, with 21st Century applications.

Not only that, our Character Transformation programs arm your kids with the right character to make it in the world. We teach self-discipline, kindness, care, manners, respect, responsibility, obedience, “age-old” principles that are universal and still ring true today.